Part time Job

What our company does?

  •       Axfone is a young, dynamic company founded in 2008 with a wide range of telecommunication products. We currently have offices in Prague, Brno and Bratislava as well as call center available for our customers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. All services offered by Axfone are the end product of our developers, which provides us a complete knowledge in their field and gives customers maximum flexibility in the use of individual products in their own business environment. When releasing new product on the market it is our top priority to ensure the consistency of all related services and an attractive price, but without any compromise on quality! In this way in a short time we became known as a stable hosting provider and we were able to reach leading position as a VoIP provider in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
  •         Due to the wide range of services we offer, our customers are not only private households, small and medium-sized enterprises but also large international companies, government authorities and other public bodies. Our major customers include dozens of telephone operators in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovak Republic and east-central European market, to which we rent entire technology and ensure them a voice transit, while staying hidden in the background, so they can stand out in the market as a fully-fledged independent operators selling our services under their own mark.

Office photos






Junior PHP orogramátor / Částečný úvazek

Mladá mezinárodní firma se sídlem v Praze hledá vhodného uchazeče na pozici PHP programátora, který by se podílel na realizaci projektů a rozvoji našich interních systémů. Vybraný uchazeč bude mít možnost spolupracovat na vývoji nestandardních technologií z oblasti telekomunikačních a hostingových služeb. Požadujeme solidní teoretické i praktické znalosti PHP, samostatnost, inovativní a kreativní přístup při tvorbě kódu. Výhodou může být zkušenost s Java scriptem, CSS a MySQL

- Odpovídající finanční ohodnocení
- Flexibilní přístup (jsme připraveni přizbůsobit se vašim požadavkům na studium)
- Zázemí mezinárodní společnosti
- Aktivní prostředí (podílíte se přímo na produkčních procesech, získáváte zkušenosti z mezinárodního prostředí)

Kontakt: Jakub Vlach,, tel: 277 277 265

Junior Linux administrátor / Částečný úvazek

Mladá mezinárodní firma se sídlem v Praze, hledá vhodného uchazeče na pozici Linux administrátora. Hlavní činností je správa linxových serverů, které jsou využívány pro telekomunikační nebo hostingové systémy. Vybraný kandidát bude mít možnost podílet se na správě linuxoých serverů (Centos) a telekomunikačních platforem (Asterisk, Elastix) s použíitím různých technologií (Apache, MySQL, PHP, Postfix apod.).

Součástí práce je také komunikace se zákazníky, správa požadavků klientské sekce, spoluúčast a pomoc při řešení problémů. Jedná se o vhodnou příležitost pro začínající správce systému, budete se podílet přímo na správě produkčních systémů a získáte řadu zkušeností z praktického provozu.

- Odpovídající finanční ohodnocení
- Flexibilní přístup (jsme připraveni přizbůsobit se vašim požadavkům na studium)
- Zázemí mezinárodní společnosti
- Aktivní prostředí (podílíte se přímo na produkčních procesech, získáváte zkušenosti z mezinárodního prostředí)

Kontakt: Jakub Vlach,, tel: 277 277 265

Web developer / Business & Technical Support

Young international telecommunications company, which is located in Prague, is looking for suitable candidates for the position of Web Developer. The main activity is to create and administrate our websites (Joomla, WordPress, HTML5, CSS3). The selected Intern will develop complex projects and participate in the process of preparing the new products. Web development represents 85% of the work.

Besides  your main task, your responsibility is to prepare the native version of our website for the Croatian market. Furthermore you will provide technical support for our products and services (market research, use your knowledge about the environment, translation, testing ordering systems, etc.). Selected students will be able to work with non-standard technology, custom development (Axfone) and a team of experts. It is a good opportunity for students to go through all the basic processes as the Area Manager.

Axfone is an international telecommunications and hosting company, which is about to expand its offer in a total of 11 markets. Products and technologies have been developed with unique solutions.

Meet our interns:

Short story of Axfone Interns


  • CK:
    Working and living in Prague was even better than I thought before the arrival. Staying in a beautiful historical city, while making a living of speaking your own native language and doing IT related things? Count me in!
    The environment at the company was very welcoming, and I was excited to start working as a technical support specialist, or at least that was what my name card said. After my arrival I received all the basic knowledge about the company and the connected technologies. In 2 months I got to know most things about the environment, I’d been working in.
    I felt that the knowledge I’d been gaining was very useful not only for my work at Axfone, but for my whole life.
    I settled in very quickly, enjoying everything Prague and the company could offer me. During my stay Axfone held some team building events as well, like going to the mountains and trying golf for the first time in my life at a golf course. Those events and all the moments spent in Prague with newly found friends made that experience unforgettable. I’m very grateful to the whole Axfone Company, because of them I had a great start in my career.
  • BF:
    When I received work offer from Prague, to work in Czech IT company I was feeling very uncertain. I did not know what to expect and I knew that I would be the first foreign person to work in Axfone. My doubts vanished quickly. After few days I noticed that working environment in Axfone was relaxed and friendly. During my stay in company I managed to not only improve my translating skills but also to gain new knowledge from IT field.
    Prague also didn’t dissapoint me. It’s one of the most beautiful and entertaining cities I have ever visited and I really liked living there. All that made my stay in Czech Republic unforgettable and I truly enjoyed my internship in Axfone.